Portfolio-test A2 – B2

All students have a portfolio in which they collect ALL their finished and half-finished projects.

At the beginning of the school year the students learn that they must choose one of their finished or half-finished products as a subject for their final examination at the end of the year.

It must be the student and the student alone that decides which of his/her projects he/she chooses.

  • He/she is not allowed to choose something that is not in the portfolio.
  • The teacher does not choose a subject for the student, but can render assistance in choosing a project that shows the student´s strength.   

It is important that the students are aware that everything they do reflects the practices of the classroom, tests and examinations, as well.

It is important that the students, at the beginning of the school year, are well informed about how the test will be:

  • The test is an oral test, although during the preparation the students must both read and write.
  • The test is built on a subject/project the student has been working on during the school year.
  • The student chooses the theme/project he/she best shows his/her competences and status in the language.
  • The student self decides on how he/she will present the project.

This is a personalized test. The student and the student alone has something to say about the content.

Here is an example of a portfolio-test in English. It is an effort to give each student a possibility to show what he/she can do – given time. It is designed for a mixed, multylevel group of students and has proven to give everyone a chance to shine.