Shakespeare Seminar in London 2010

In August last year I was granted a scholarship to attend a 7 day seminar for teachers at the Globe Theatre in London. Only one participant from each country was accepted, so there were 30 teachers of Engish from 30 countries all over the globe. The seminar is sponsored by the English Speaking Union.
Shakespeare’s open-air playhouse, the Globe, was rebuilt in 1997 for productions of Shakespeare’s plays. Together the Globe Theatre, Globe Exhibition & Tour and Globe Education seek to further the experience and understanding of Shakespeare’s work. Globe Education offers seminars for adults and children and receives school groups from all over the world.
The seminar was introduced at the annual meeting of FEKÍ 29 April 2010.

Kristín Runólfsdóttir, English teacher, Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands, Selfossi

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Íslenskan og enskan í návígi – enska sem samskiptamál á Íslandi

School of Humanities Conference 25th – 26th March. Seminar on Friday 25th from 13:00 to 16:30 in room 222 in the main building of the University of Iceland. The seminar is entitled “Icelandic and English in conflict – English as a lingua franca in Iceland”. займ на карту без отказа 18 лет студентам

The speakers will be Birna Arnbjörnsdóttir, Hulda Kristín Jónsdóttir, Anna Jeeves, Samuel Lefever, Ásrún óhannsdóttir, and Pétur Knútsson.

Í þessari málstofu verða kynntar frumniðurstöður rannsóknarinnar „Enska sem samskiptamál í breyttu málumhverfi“. Rannsóknin er styrkt af RANNÍS með þátttöku þúsunda Íslendinga. Fyrirlesarar fjalla um viðhorf barna, unglinga og fullorðinna til eigin enskunotkunar og velt verður upp spurningum um áhrif návígis ensku og íslensku á mál og málnotkun á Íslandi. Sjá dagskrá.

Anna Jeeves, aðjúnkt

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“How can the British Council assist teachers of English in Iceland”

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Join Eric Atkinson from British Council

Date: Thursday, February 17th

Time: 19:45

Place: Álftamýrarskóli

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Frá Félagi enskukennara

Join Jeremy Harmer, Jack Richards, Carol Numrich, Vicki Hollett, Norbert and Diane Schmitt, Sue O’Connell, Linda Jeffries, Bea Mikulekey, Julia Williams and David Hill for the Tertiary Week of English, a series of online presentations designed for ELT teachers in higher education and universities on topics such as skills teaching and teacher development. где взять онлайн займ на карту

These sessions, delivered by leading authors and academics, are designed to give you fresh ideas, update you on the latest research and support your professional development.

 Registration is free. All you need is your computer, a good internet connection and some of your time!

For more information and to register go to Tertiary Place 

We look forward to you joining us online.

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Welcome to The English Common on The Language Plaza

The English Common is a community of practice for English teachers. A nonprofit site that enhances sharing and collaboration of good practices. A place to ask questions and get help. займ на карту без звонков и проверок срочно

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